Extracts from opinion articles by Henry Kissinger, Thomas Friedman, David Ignatius, Andrew Sullivan and Max Boot
The request for additional forces by the US commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, poses cruel dilemmas for President Obama. If he refuses the recommendation and General McChrystal's argument that his forces are inadequate for the mission, Obama will be blamed for the dramatic consequences. If he accepts the recommendation, his opponents may come to describe it, at least in part, as Obama's war.
Thomas Friedman, New York Times
If Mr Obama decides to send more troops, the most important thing is not the number. It is his commitment to see it through. If he seems ambivalent, no one there will stand with us and we'll have no chance. If he seems committed, maybe – maybe – we'll find enough allies. Remember, the bad guys are totally committed – and they are not tired.
David Ignatius, Washington Post
The right Afghanistan policy begins with a frank admission that this isn't America's problem, it's Afghanistan's. The United States needs to patiently support the emerging Afghan government, keeping our troop levels firm and reliable, until the Afghans acquire the tools and political consensus to secure their country.
Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish
Afghanistan, like Iran, presents an excruciating set of choices, which is why I find the caution and deliberation of the current administration a welcome change of pace … But any review must include the basic question: are we engaging in a rational deployment of resources? Did 9/11 psychologically mold us to over-estimate the real toll of terrorism on the west's actual interests? If terrorism claims a minuscule number of western lives in comparison with, say, smoking, have we been conned into a global war that could actually cripple the West rather than protect it?
Max Boot, of the Council on Foreign Relations, in the Los Angeles Times
We do not have to create "Jeffersonian democracy" in Afghanistan. But we do have to keep it from becoming a terrorist haven. The only way to achieve that minimal objective is with a comprehensive counter-insurgency strategy. If Obama blinks now, he will be doing grave damage not only to US security but to his own credibility.
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